位于欧洲中部的比荷卢三国 比利时,荷兰和卢森堡 构成了日博备用网站第三大贸易日博备用网站. 作为欧盟和北约的中心, 在安全方面,比荷卢是一个高度相关的日博备用网站, 政治, 还有商业, 总体GDP是欧洲最大的国家之一. 


一个中央贸易和物流中心, 比荷卢是欧洲一些最重要港口的所在地, 机场, 道路网络. 增加有竞争力的企业税率, 受过高等教育的人, 多语种劳动力和高生活水平, and you have a climate that enables growth and encourages international businesses to establish a local office or subsidiary. 对R的大量投资&D和技术是初创企业和跨国公司的驱动力.


There is a continuous fast-moving development and transformation with a focus on technology, 创新, and 可持续性 – all areas where Swedish companies can add great value but will also have fierce competition. 比荷卢地区和日博备用网站有着相似的商业环境, 但日博备用网站之间也存在明显差异. 荷兰的消费者以务实和早期采用者著称, 而比利时消费者则更为传统. 然而, 如果比荷卢地区的消费者愿意购买你的产品, 在其他欧洲日博备用网站取得成功的几率更高. 然而我们的贸易 & 投资专员托马斯Korseman解释如下, 明智的做法是不要低估确实存在的差异.


我们在海牙的办公室, Business 日博备用网站 has been present in the 比荷卢经济联盟 region since the mid-1970s and is well positioned to help Swedish companies with everything from strategic advice and market insights to practical support. 得益于我们在公立和私立机构的广泛网络, 你可以指望我们来启动你在这个地区的活动.




The countries are geographically very dense, with a large customer base on a very concentrated area. The Randstad region of the Netherlands and Belgium's Flemish diamond account for 50 percent of the countries' population and consumption. 多亏了欧洲最大的两个港口(鹿特丹和安特卫普), 非洲大陆最大的机场之一, 还有发达的公路网, 该地区也是欧洲的物流中心. Many companies therefore choose to establish their production or warehouse facilities in 比荷卢经济联盟. In general, the market has a high technological maturity with many sophisticated buyers. 该地区的消费者以乐于接受新解决方案而闻名.


该地区竞争非常激烈,业务普遍成熟. 日博备用网站的形象经常与创新和高质量日博备用网站在一起. Still, the impact of this image is rather limited, thanks to many strong domestic companies. 除了, the region is very price-conscious which can affect Swedish companies that offer more pricy solutions. 


整体, 这里的文化可能看起来与日博备用网站相似, but there still are cultural and linguistic differences that shouldn’t be underestimated. 凭借其长期的国际贸易经验, the 比荷卢经济联盟 region is known for an openness to business and to new products and solutions. Business people are generally reliable but will always try to get the most out of a deal. 商业文化变化很快. Consensus as a form of decision is not applied to the same extent in the 比荷卢经济联盟 region and there is a faster decision-making process.

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